Tuesday 24 September 2013

Go Away Big Green Monster! (& the benefits of computers in the classroom)

Well this will be quick because I am exhausted (is it really only Tuesday?). We've continued our colour studies this week. Yesterday was green day so of course, I had to read Go Away, Big Green Monster! by Ed Emberley. This book is fantastic for teaching colours and also story retelling.

So yesterday I kind of assumed this book was in the school library, but upon further inspection I couldn't find it (no, I'm not a last minute prepper at all). Lucky for me, I was able to find a Youtube version.

I read the story to the students, then as I read it a second time, I had them draw the big green monster. I got this idea from Carolyn at Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together. Let's just say I was a little worried about this. I have a few, uh "free spirits" so I though I might get a few orange monkeys or blue elephants but I got 20 fantastic green monsters. We then watched the video and it was so fun seeing the kids' reactions when they first saw the big green monster!

So happy to have a computer and SMARTBoard in the classroom!

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